The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is expecting a massive leap in its total payperview earnings with the return of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It is confirmed that The Rock aka "People's Champion" will be a part of WrestleMania this year, but it is still a secret what his role in the great event would be.
The Rock was the superstar of the golden days of WWE. He achieved an incredible stardom by competing in wrestling events, and won the World Heavy Weight Championship nine times in his career. He carried out his popularity from WWE to Hollywood and was casted in some wonderful action movies like "The Mummy Returns" and "The Scorpion King". He along with his WWE stage intro "If you smell..." became the popular brand among many wrestling lovers.
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The Rock's comback should bring the popularity of WWE back to the track, which has somehow lost its fame because of its boring storylines and clashes between the same wrestlers. The viewers are fed up of watching the historical rivalry between Cena and Orton, Cena and CM Punk, Ray Mysterio and CM Punk, Ray Mysterio and Del Rio. Their stories are stuck at the same place, which never moves ahead. The Rock will give a refreshing touch to the dull WWE and bring back those viewers who have already left hands of the WWE.

The story of The Rock's comeback is intersting as well. As said by the great man himself, he came back to reply John Cena for his verbal assault against him. He also targeted The Miz, that indicates that he probably makes a comabck in the WrestleMania match between Cena and Miz.
Whatever the reason, it would be back to see The Rock back in the wrestling arena. This will refresh the memory of many fans, who love wrestling because of him.

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