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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blogger's official apps for iPhone vs BlogSpace

Finally, I've got what I had been waiting for. An iPhone application for Blogger is here ( I don't know if it's a new news for you). And I am currently writing this piece from it, just want to make sure if it lives up to my hope.

After a while.............…
Ok, it is not so fascinating app at all. You can't have access to stats and can't play with the design. You have a facility to upload pictures though. Damn, but no video is allowed. Google is not giving too much freedom in the selection of media.

This is Google's official app for Blogger. However, there are lots of unofficial one available. One of my favourites is BlogSpace (No, you can't access to stats or play with your design here too).

Compare the two apps and you will find BlogSpace having more advantages than Blogger. The topmost is the ability to embed videos in the blog entry along with photos. You can include any video available in your phone's library. The second advantage will be the ability to access the comment section. You can view the comments in your post and leave a reply very easily. There is a separate tab to do that.

Another thing I find difficult in Blogger's app is the preview option. The app opens the whole web template that somehow fits the screen of iPhone- a nuisance to eyes. However, the previewsection of BlogSpace is also not noteworthy, but it is certainly fast.

BlogSpace also gives an option to promote blog post directly to facebook by using facebook connect. It's something that you can't do from Blogger app.

So, lots of demerits Blogger's official app has over BlogSpace. There might be other apps as well that runs better than BlogSpace. Let us know if you know any. I want to conclude this post with a hope that Blogger app might have better features in an Android version. Google might have kept most of its best features hidden in order to force the mobile phone users to shift from iOS to Android. But being an iPhone lover, I will better stick to low functions apps for now.